

Job seeking is a major challenge in our communities especially for individuals who lacked the opportunity to formal education. In our quest to address this challenge and a part of our core mission to change lives, we have rolled out a new initiative aimed at equipping these individuals with the necessary vocational, technological and technical skills needed for personal growth and community development.
This new initiative dubbed VOCTECH’18 under the theme ‘Integrating Vocational Training in the Development of the Youth” seeks to train needy but interested and passionate individuals who yearn for personal growth and individual independence. The concept of VOCTECH’18 brings to bear the roles UNILIME plays to achieve some of the 17 Global Goals which includes but not limited to “No Poverty”, “No Hunger” and “Decent work and Economic Growth”

The Impact of the Project
Vocational and technical skills training serves as an avenue to nurture entrepreneurs who will in turn train and employ other interested individuals
Individual independence is a key factor in curbing poverty and hunger as individuals are empowered to take positive, personal and strong economic decisions.
There is a high chance of the availability of decent work leading to economic growth as trained individuals will meet their financial obligation in the form of tax to the state and as a result of the income generated

Why the Shaibu and James town Community?
UNILIME is concerned about the underprivileged individuals in our communities. Although, there are numerous deprived communities in the Greater Accra Region, the UNILIME team indentified Shaibu and James town , a Ga settling community in the Suberas one of the most deprived therefore needs urgent attention as there is an increase in social vices which are being attributed to the Youth in the Community.

The Support We Need
After the initiative was launched last year, two individuals namely Stephen Quansah and Mary Ayittey were selected and are currently training as graphic designer and seamstress respectively. We are also experiencing a buzz on the number of interested individuals who wish to enroll as trainees. However, our biggest challenge is that our budget does not meet the demands of this increasing number. The primary support we need is to help meet the demands and help sustain this initiative.

What You Stand To Gain
The UNILIME Foundation currently has over 700 likes on Facebook. It means our posts reaches over 700 followers excluding the shared posts that gets over 2000 views daily. We are also re-creating content for our website. To ensure optimum value for money and returns on your investments, our social media post shall acknowledge your support on a daily basis which we believe will project your company’s products or services in a good light to our audience. A column on our website will be reserved and dedicated for your company’s adverts. In the event that your company desires to play a larger role, we certainly welcome you. The opportunity for greater participation abounds.

Community Assessment Plan
In order to pick the right individuals for the project, we put up a five member team who were responsible for what we term “community survey”. These members surveyed the community in order to ascertain that indeed the majority of the youth are unemployed and at the same time observed to note those who are interested to transform their lives. This activity was done within four to eight weeks. This helped our team identify possible individuals who should receive assistance.
Our next move was the “community entry”. Here our team met with the elders in the community to enquire about the general attitudes and way of life of the youth in the community. The elders made recommendations with regards to individuals who need such opportunity.  Some of the members of the team moved to various households to interact with the youth. This helped the team identify individuals who may be interested in the project.
The following are the requirements our team used to select individuals who qualified from the assessment stage.
Underprivileged: Qualified individuals were required to provide evidence that no one in their immediate family could support them to learn a vocational or technical skill. This was done by providing two members from the family as well as two people from the community to attest to the fact that the qualified individual is really under privileged.
Desire/passion for learning a skill: The next criteria for selection involves interviewing the individuals with the team of experts where individuals were required to convince the panel why they should be given the opportunity. Any document or evidence to prove that the individual had tried acquiring a skill/trade was an added advantage.
Moral uprightness: The final criterion was to provide a religious leader who    recommend you as a responsible person in the community.
Selection of Right Profession
In recent and most career selection programs, most individuals end up not choosing the appropriate skill/trade. This act has really impeded on the development of both the individual and the community.
In light of this, our team of experts had an intensive one-on-one counseling with the qualified individuals in order to assist them choose the right skill/trade. The experts cannot impose any trade on the individuals, instead they facilitated them to self - rationalize on a possible trade.
Fund Disbursement
Over the past years, distribution of monies to support projects has been one of the challenges development and donor agencies encounter. Monies are given in full to projects with limited or no supervision, allowing the individuals to mismanage the monies for the project. This act contributes to most projects not attaining their maximum objectives.
With regards to these challenges, we, as an organization have designed a process called the “Monitor – Disburse – Monitor”. In this process, we monitor to identify possible mismanagement among the stakeholders of the project to find solutions to them before the funds are released for the first phase of the project. After the funds has been disbursed, our officers will continue to monitor the beneficiaries and other stakeholders to see if the funds are being used for its intended purposes. This process continues till the project comes to an end.
The project commenced on February, 2017. In February to March, the team did a thorough investigation by consulting leaders and authorities in the community. Recruitment was then done in April, after which there was an interview to know those who are ready for the offer and up to the task. In April 2017, the first trainee were enrolled in vocational training, the second enrolled in May while the third trainee was enrolled in June 2017.  This enabled us to get enough funds and to secure the various choice of training institution for them. From July to September there will be monitoring of their behavior and their attitude toward work and/or training 


Universal Light Media (UNILIME) Foundation is a non-profit organization formed by a group of graduates from the African University College of Communications. The foundation was established on 14 June 2013, but officially started work from 14th February, 2014.
OBJECTIVE: to produce competent individuals in all fields of endeavor, unearth talents and helping the under privileged in the society.
VISION: To empower individuals and the disadvantaged in society to become professionals who will focus on building the younger generation.
Made its maiden donation to Rising Star orphanage at Dodowa on the 14th February, 2014. Amidst the donation, we wined and dined with the children.
Organized blood donation exercise at the African University College of Communications (AUCC) on the 23rd October, 2014.
Have organized series of leadership seminars, workshop and training programmes at AUCC and the University of Ghana campuses.
Have sponsored 10 pupils in various public basic schools.
also did a mega donation including stationeries, school bags and clothes to 10 children to a community called Sefwi Aprutu at the Western Region on 19th December, 2014
donated stationeries and clothes to Kwaiman Primary School on the 11th December, 2015
Organized empowerment programs for the people of Sefwi Yawkrom in the Western Region and Amusudai Junior High School, in 2014.
wined and dined with orphans at Rising Star Orphanage, we empowered them and donated provision to them on 14th February, 2015
Donated learning materials and other items to Junkwai D/A J.H.S., Cape Coast to equip the pupils in their learning.  A health talk was also held to educate them on healthy living.
Central Regional Chapter organized a party for children living with the autism at St. Elizabeth Day care at Elmina in Cape Coast on 14th February 2017 to make them feel part of the society.
Ashanti Region Chapter donated Dustbins to University of Winneba, Kumasi Campus to improve on their hygiene.
Is currently funding the education of two brilliant but needy pupils at Kumasi Anomagye M/A primary school.
On May 27,2017 the  Central  Regional chapter donated crates of assorted drinks and food items  to the Cape Coast School of the Blind and dump School
Priscilla Aboagye
Challote Boadu
Naomi Oppong
Kwabena Fuachie
Prince Baidoo
Simon Oppong
Michael Ennin
Florence Lamptey (Dodowa Orphanage)
Sefwi Aprutu
Kwaiman Primary school
Writing or submitting proposals has become a nightmare for many because of the presumed rejection people anticipate from our local business community. However, it is our hope and prayer that you will consider supporting this initiative. The long term vision is to extend to other deprived communities and transform the lives of the youth across the country. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good information to have bro, thanks


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